Spanish is the 2nd language in the world. Nicaragua is a good place to learn it. Friendly & patient people.
70+ Spanish schools. Visit Central America for Surfing, Yoga, Retirement, Adventure, ??? Safe & low cost!
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Esteli Spanish schools
On the North Pacific side is Viva ! Spanish language Select a School to review Offers 20 hrs, class + room & meals Weekly Fee / School 1 $175 SSN- Spa Sch Nica +Skype 2 $180 Sacuanjoche (no room/meals) 3 $195 Cenac Spa Sch +Skype 4 $390 NSLS Schools +Skype End of Esteli Schools If you have Updates for New/Old Schools, go to the -> Blog 505-2 xxx xxxx land 505-8 xxx xxxx cell If you know of other Schools, notify us on the Blog Esteli Video
Esteli City Pop. 120,000 Third largest